“Edible ornamentals and ornamental edibles” – Harrogate Spring Flower Show 2018
On the 26th – 29th April 2018, the MYHarvest Team returned to the Harrogate Spring Flower Show to join the tens of thousands of green-fingered growers that flock to the Great Yorkshire Showground every year.
Over the four days, we spoke to countless allotmenteers and veg patch enthusiasts about what they like to grow and – of special interest to us – what they harvest. The response was fantastic: hundreds of people all saying they are keen to get involved with MYHarvest, and many taking away handfuls of MYHarvest flyers and posters to give to their friends and put up on their allotment noticeboards.
Not only did we speak to growers face-to-face, Roscoe from the MYHarvest Team did not one but two live radio interviews on both BBC Radio Leeds and BBC Radio York’s gardening hour! You can listen to these programmes on BBC iPlayer here:
- BBC Radio York: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p063qwh8
- BBC Radio Leeds: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0646jqn#play
We were also visited by two special guests. Phil Gomersall – President of the National Allotment Society and supporter of MYHarvest since it began – popped by several times to share some conversations and tell us about his talks (and MYHarvest plugs) on the Potting Shed stage.
Also, Mayor of Harrogate Anne Jones came and gave her whole-hearted support for the project. She shared how she loves to combine vegetable growing and ornamental planting, making “the ornamentals edible and the edibles ornamental”.
It was a fantastic four-days meeting so many enthusiastic growers. We look forward to hearing about what they all harvest over the coming months!
As always, if you’d like to sign up to the quarterly MYHarvest email newsletter, send us an email to let us know (address below). Also, if you’d like to receive some A5 flyers and A4 posters by post to put up in your allotment site or give to friends, just send us an email with your address and let us know how many you’d like. We’d be delighted to post some out to you!